How to Install a Link Code 2 Builders Range Roller Blind
By Betta Blinds and Awnings - 5th May 2022
This applies to our Builders Range Roller Blinds but our Standard Range Roller Blinds are installed in a similar way.
This applies to our Builders Range Roller Blinds but our Standard Range Roller Blinds are installed in a similar way.
What is a Link Code 2?
A Link Code 2 creates a link between two Roller Blinds that allows them to be simultaneously operated. The chain drive is located on the right side and both blinds will operate together with the single chain.

Retract the Female Pin
1. Rotate the clear plastic part to retract the female pin on the linking drive

Install the Right Blind
2. Install the blind by inserting the chain drive end into the bracket first.
3. Then carefully press the linking end of the Blind into the corresponding bracket. It has a channel that should guide the linking end easily into place.
3. Then carefully press the linking end of the Blind into the corresponding bracket. It has a channel that should guide the linking end easily into place.

Install the Left Blind
4. Insert the male linking end into the bracket but don't push it all the way in just yet.
5. Hold the blind up and rotate it so that it becomes level with the left blind (bottom rails line up).
6. Once it is closely aligned finish pushing the blind in so that the gears of the two linking ends engage.
7. Finish installing the left blind by pushing the idle end into the bracket.
5. Hold the blind up and rotate it so that it becomes level with the left blind (bottom rails line up).
6. Once it is closely aligned finish pushing the blind in so that the gears of the two linking ends engage.
7. Finish installing the left blind by pushing the idle end into the bracket.

Make Adjustments
8. To make both of the blinds level, you can twist the clear plastic winder to make fine adjustments to get them both perfectly aligned.

9. Test the Blind to ensure it is operating correctly.

And You're Done!
Congratulations you have successfully installed a Link Code 2 Roller Blind.