Automatic Basics Wand Motor Setup
Take Motor out of Sleep Mode

Change Roll Direction
2. If the blind is operating in the opposite direction of the button you’re pressing you need to change the roll direction. Hold the up and down button until the motor jogs.

Set Top Limit
3. To set the top limit firstly use the remote to position your blind to your desired top position. To set the limit hold the up and stop buttons at the same time until the motor jogs.

Set Bottom Limit
4. To set the bottom limit move the blind down to your bottom position. Then hold the down and stop buttons at the same time until the motor jogs.

Set Favourite Position
5. To set a favourite position move your blind to your favourite position and hold the stop button until the motor jogs. To operate your blind to the favourite position simply press the stop button. Your blind should now move to the favourite position.

Use Battery Check Function
6. You can use the battery check function to determine the battery levels of your blinds. Simply, put your blind all the way to the top, then hold the up button until the motor begins to move. The further down the blind stops the higher the remaining battery levels.

Change Motor Speed
7. The motor has three different speeds and it comes from factory with the slowest speed. To increase the speed press the P1 button until the motor jiggles then press the stop button followed by the up button. This will increase the speed. Repeat this step to reach the highest speed.

And You're Done!
Congratulations you have completed the setup of your Automate Basics Wand Motor!